Explore By Region
Finding things to explore in Upstate New York is pretty easy–there’s tons to do!
On the other hand, attempting to define where Upstate is can be tough. Definitive answers lie mostly with individual opinions, and those are usually determined by one’s own geographic affiliation. But, what is indisputable by nearly all Upstaters is that you’ll find smaller regions within New York. Within each of those regions, you’ll find plenty to discover.
But, just like people arguing about where Upstate New York is, you’ll find different arguments on how Upstate is divided into regions. What is indisputable, is that each one features its own unique set of characteristics that make it a land of exploration.
While you’re planning out things to do in Upstate New York, it might be helpful to break the state up a bit. Then, maybe even explore by county and town or city.
How To Use This Section
Use this page to select a region in Upstate NY to visit, and from there you can narrow it down even further.
You’ll discover blog posts from each region, links to interesting facts and tidbits about the regions, and even recommendations on where to stay when you’re in the area. Whether you’re looking to hike in the Adirondacks or experience elevated cuisine in Buffalo, you’ll discover plenty to inspire your travels right here.
Select A Region
Map of Upstate New York Regions

Note: The regional definitions used on Exploring Upstate were laid out by the New York State Visitors Network.