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  1. Rev. Eleanor Celentani
    June 9, 2013 @ 7:28 pm

    Thank you for this well-written article. I did not realize that St. Stan’s had a relic of Pope John Paul. The Polish people are a great example of spiritual devotion.

    • Chris
      January 3, 2014 @ 11:09 am

      We’re glad to have had the chance to have Kathy submit this to us. The relic is a great one to visit, and the church itself of course is beautiful!

  2. Guest Blog: The Relic of Pope John Paul II at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Rochester, NY | Chris and Luke Explore the Burned Over District
    July 9, 2013 @ 9:24 am

    […] Please visit this post on our new website found here. […]

  3. Jan Tarwid
    April 2, 2014 @ 6:21 am


    I confess to you, Lord
    the sin of our omission
    not proclaiming your teachings
    and the teachings of Blessed JPII.

    He taught us on the ground
    that everyone has their fortress
    which they must defend against
    those who want to destroy it.

    Leaving us Lord without
    John Paul II our Father
    You made us lose our previous
    courage awakened by sinning.

    For the sin
    of omission, we allowed
    offense to the image of the cross
    and failed to punish
    and discipline the offenders.

    Turns out the almighty God
    through the new Holy
    John Paul II sent us courage to
    overcome the current treacherous Satan.

    Repenting for the sin of omission
    Lord, we confess renewing the
    teachings of St. John Paul II
    appointed to your home.

    Author Mr.Jan Tarwid – Janwid,
    JPII Polish American Poets Academy Member.

    Feb.12 / 2014

    Spowiadamy sie Tobie Panie
    Z grzechu naszego zaniechania
    Nie rozslawiania nauk Twoich
    Oraz nauk blogoslawionego JPII…

    Nauczal On nas na ziemi,
    Z’e kaz’dy ma swoje Westerplate,
    Kto’re musi bronic’ przed tymi
    Co chca nasza twierdze zburzyc’.

    Pozostawiajac nas samych Panie
    Bez Jana Pawla II Ojca naszego
    Sprawiles’, z’e uprzednio odwage
    Rozbudzona, grzeszac stracilis’my.

    Za grzech zaniechania uwaz’amy
    Pozwalanie na krzyz’a obraz’anie
    I nasze zaniechanie ukarania
    Mocodawco’w zbeszczeszczania.

    Wypraszamy wszechmogacy Boz’e
    Bys’ poprzez nowego S’wietego
    Jana Pawla II zsylal nam odwage
    Pokonania obecnego szatana.

    Skruche za grzech zaniechania
    Wyznajemy Panie odnawiajac
    Nauki S’w. Jana Pawla II
    Powolanego do domu Twego.

    Autor Mr.Jan Tarwid – Janwid,
    JPII Polish American Poets Academy Member.
    Feb.12/2014 USA