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  1. How Bouckville Became The Antiques Center Of Upstate | Exploring Upstate
    July 21, 2021 @ 6:56 pm

    […] antiques destination that’s especially unique. Now, couple that with the fact that the geographical center of New York State is just up the road, and it seems safe to say that Bouckville is the antiques center of […]

  2. Peter MacInerney
    September 10, 2021 @ 8:52 pm

    Peter MacInerney, PhD
    Colgate BA, 1972

    Hi thx for your pieces on Bouckville and Pratts Hollow.

    You may correct an error in “Bouckville” the Cherry Valley Tpke/ Route 20 traverse more than Oneida Cty.
    And there and in “Pratts [Pratt’s?] Hollow” [Warning: ex English Prof] say “the author[s] write/ claim” not “they” [anything]. Keep up the good work!

  3. Bill Miner
    April 24, 2023 @ 2:29 pm

    Perhaps the residents of Pratts Hollow aren’t interested, but if a significant number wanted to increase their revenue stream, they might want to market their central (in the state) location. Build a small to midsized convention hall and advertise to state organizations.