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  1. Ursula Petraetis
    January 5, 2019 @ 7:41 pm

    I enjoyed reading about your travels. Next time through Lockport just down the hill from big bridges is Reid’s Hot Dog Stand a local wonder for over 75 years. Red hot with sauce!!!
    Also right next to Big Bridge is Tom’s Dinner!!! With hand sketched mural on walls.

  2. Marilynn
    January 6, 2019 @ 2:52 pm

    I really enjoy all of your articles and am motivated to replicate some of your explorations. All of my plans for foreign travel did not happen, either lack of money or time, but now that I am retired, and have a very limited income, I can still find enjoyment discovering nearby wonders. Thank you for providing proof that there is so much to be discovered just outside our doors!

  3. F.A.T. Podcast Episode 122 – Route 31 Road Trip | Food About Town
    January 7, 2019 @ 8:00 am

    […] wrote a great accompanying recap on his website that you should check out! He did a much better job than I would covering all of our […]